Tuesday, December 31, 2013

How to Learn The Italian Language - Like a Native Italian

by: Lynsey Carter

Buon giorno! I just said 'Hello' to you in Italian! See? It isn't too hard to learn the Italian language after all! When someone speaks to you in Italian, do you just look at them and smile?...but how about rattling off a confident and natural reply - IN ITALIAN- and watch their jaw drop in amazement!

..Now, you too can learn to speak an advanced Italian language confidently and naturally in a dynamic, comprehensive, and proven way that works!

Why do YOU want to learn to speak Italian? Let's see:

* are you thinking of travelling to Italy?

* do you struggle to speak with your Italian-speaking friends or chat with an Italian-speaking partner?

* are you looking for better resources to make your Italian learning easier?

* do you need to know some Italian for your business reasons, or maybe an Italian language job that you want, or do you just want to earn more money by being bilingual?

* are you, like me, a big fan of Italian food, wine, and culture, and want to completely immerse yourself more fully in their language?

* do you like to watch Italian language movies or go attend Italian language films with friends or relatives?

* perhaps you simply want to learn for personal pleasure...

Whatever your reasons are, you will get immensely satisfying results FAST...

You'll be able to challenge yourself with conversational Italian by starting to speak the language right away, and in contexts that reflect everyday life in an Italian-speaking environment. At the same time, you'll be able to do so in a comfortable and supportive way.

Would you like to learn Italian rapidly, effectively, and easily. Do you want to be able to speak at the Italiano language restaurant, at a train station, with new friends... in basically every situation you can think of!

I am extremely passionate about learning another language, and for me it is such a privilege to be able to share this training with you. It's an incredible experience to be able to speak with other people in a different language. You will be able to enter into a different culture, a different world! Being bilingual is a very special ability, and not that hard to learn with a little dedication and commitment from you!

Nearly 300,000 people worldwide have used this unique multimedia course to fast-track their language learning, AND managed to have a whole lot of fun in the process . Why not join in on all the action?

Here's what you will receive in Italian language in your package...

** Component 1: Learn to speak Italian confidently and naturally with a 33-lesson interactive audio course.

The 33 tracks average 25 minutes in length - that is over 13 hours of Italian lessons audio that you can listen to, again and again and again! They cover everything that you need to know to become part of a living, breathing Italian community, from introducing yourself to getting around on public transportation, and a whole lot more in between. Italian people just love it when tourists and travellers speak Italian to them!

Not only do you get the 33 audio tracks, you also get the transcripts of the conversations in Italian and English, so that you can keep up with the lessons and the extra Italian vocabulary relevant to each lesson!.

Learn to listen to, speak, and understand modern Italian with this super effective and ever-popular conversational learning tool!

** Component 2: Find out how easy Italian is with the 31 Language and Culture Lessons featuring lots of embedded audio clips, exercises, activities and more... that's over 110 hours of comprehension!

These lessons will take you on an adventure from being a newbie to being a natural in your Italian-speaking ability. They contain detailed grammar lessons and examples, invaluable cultural notes (that not only help you with what to say and when to say it but also how to act), along with instructions and explanations on written Italian.

And it doesn't matter what level you are currently at - beginner, intermediate, or advanced - this course is packed full of quality step-by-step resources to rapidly advance your learning

** Component 3: You will be able to remember tons of Italian words with a fun 'MegaVocab' Software Learning Game to improve your Italian vocabulary.

Leave the schoolbooks behind and increase the number of Italian words you know with this easy-to-use word recall game. 'MegaVocab' has over 1000 words and 20 topics.

Another feature of 'MegaVocab' is the 'MegaVocab Creator', which lets you add your own extra words and pictures. You can add hundreds of words and pictures with ease...

** Component 4: Understand spoken Italian easily with the 'MegaAudio' Software Game, and learn to recognize those sounds and the proper pronunciation of Italian words. So, learn to recognize the sound of tons of Italian words with 'MegaAudio'...

One of the hardest things about learning a language is in understanding the spoken word. It is terrific getting the mechanics of the language sorted out but if you can't understand what an Italian person is saying to you then what good is it to you?

With the 'MegaAudio' game you can learn to recognize over 1000 words in an amazingly short period of time. Before long you will be listening to your DVDs in Italian and understanding the entire dialogue...

But wait there's a LOT more.....

Copyright (c) 2010 Lynsey Carter

So be like the many thousands of people that have found out how easy and effective it is to learn the Italian language. THEN TAKE CONTROL of your language learning as mentioned in this article. All you have to do is go here: http://www.myitalianlanguagesite.com

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Find Out How To Sketch - Seven Sketching Techniques To Learn Drawing

by: Ruediger Schmidt

In recent parts you learned how to understand your depicted objects clearer, to overcome your fear of failure and how to use your sketching skills with determination.

Within this part I'll give you seven significant tips that will help you through the next stairs of your drawing career:

1. Find a sketch block at the next art supply store. This can't be stressed enough. Select one of those nice sketch pads and take it with you everywhere you go! It permits you to use every free second for exercising your draftsmanship and depict eye capturing scenes you encounter.

2. Save your pictures secure. As crucial as getting a sketchbook (and preserving them after you've filled them) is to preserve everything you depict. Get a folder to stack away them safely and protected from damage. Never discard any of your drawings. So you will collect a decent portfolio and may consult your late studies for study and to track your progress.

3. Pick apart your pictures later. As we discoursed in the episode about fighting your fear of failure - don't be overly judgmental about your drawings. As soon as the petty critic in you tries to jump into action, outsmart him. Hide away your drawing (in your folder) and tell him "later". In a few days or weeks you can see your pictures in a much more friendly light than now.

4. Drawing from reality is ideal. You'll see: drawing real-life objects appears to be harder than merely replicating pics or other drawings. But it's a great deal more honouring and your drawings will be much more lively and realistic. How does it work? I don't know for sure, but I'd guess our brains in some way absorbs the scenery with all senses contributing you a lot of inspiration to put on the sheet.

5. Don't depict complicated objects. Stay away from objects that are too complex. Instead start with simple objects you will be able to capture and picture as proficient as you desire it to be. And then increment the difficulty in small steps so your draftsmanship has time to grow with each small step you are confronting yourself with.

6. Don't move into detail excessively. While drawing, less is more. Virtually everyone lean towards adding details excessively, too numerous little lines, uncountable numbers of unimportant objects. Don't try to draw all the details you watch. Instead seek to capture the scene in general, absorb how it feels and try to put this to onto the sheet employing only few lines.

7. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Oh and did I tell you? Practice! You can't draw too often. All of the time keep in mind: every line you draw, every drafting or outlining you polish increases your draftsmanship and moves you one stair up. Exercise by depicting scenes you come across in everydays life into your sketch block. Exercise by doing the practices I've presented. Just practise.

This is the fifth article of the 6 element series on drawing and how to learn drawing online. Visit and improve your drawing skills. Here you can also get a ebook on learning how to draw.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Finding The Right Piano Study Technique

by: Mandi Weems

Learning to play the piano can be trying at times. It doesn't matter if you are just starting out, or if you have played for years, sometimes it feels like you just aren't getting anywhere at all. And, no matter how long you sit and study and play the piano, you are bombarded with the old adage "Practice makes perfect". But, how can you study the piano if you aren't really sure what you're supposed to be doing? Well, every good piano player should know that studying the piano is more than just practicing. Studying the piano involves playing all different works to help your fingers continually train and stretch, reading through music and understanding every work before you master it, how long you can practice, and how well you can use your study time.

Every piano player needs to find the study technique(s) that will help them to learn better and faster, and usually it's trial and error that will point this out to you. Some piano instructors will help you find the right study technique by giving you several tips and ideas that helped them, while others will simply tell you to "go home and practice". But, if you are not playing correctly while you are practicing, you are simply defeating the whole purpose of practice. So, how do you know what to do when studying the piano?

Study Techniques To Help You Improve

While there are millions of ways to study the piano, there are some techniques that will always provide help to any player, new or old:

Make sure that your practice area is free of all distractions, such as the television, phone, loud music, and even other people if needed. Having a quiet place to read, study, and practice can help you more than anything while you are learning.

Read through your music or assignment. Every piano instructor will either assign you or show you some great practice suggestions for your study at home. There is a reason for these, and you should always do any practice pieces at home when you can.

Study and practice the piano every day. No matter if you can only set aside thirty minutes per day to study, you need to be sure that you are practicing each day. Once you have your study time down, you should continue to study at that same time, every day.

When you sit down to practice, make sure that the sheet music is easy for you to read and that you have enough light to see it. There is no need to strain your eyes or try to play something that you can't read.

When you are working on learning a long piece, don't try to cram it all in at one study session. You should break it up into smaller pieces and learn each of them in order so you will be prepared and ready to play the whole thing through.

As you break down each section in the piece, you should play through them slowly at first, making sure that each note, pitch, melody, tune, and rhythm is right and in the right spot. There is no need to study that piece if you play the same mistakes over and over. By practicing each work correctly, and slowly, for a few times, you're fingers will know where to go and what to do when they get there.

When you have a good study session, you should reward yourself by playing something that you already know and love after something new and hard. By playing something that you are already good at, you will bolster your self esteem and let you know that you are a good piano player, and practice will have you playing this new, hard piece in no time too.

You should take your teacher's suggestions and tips home with you. By using their advice, you will find all sorts of new avenues of study and play that you didn't know before. After all, it took them years of practice and study to get where they are, so they have done something right!

Find a musical dictionary. This will help you study your pieces the right way by telling you what each Italian term on your music means, such as Allegro vivace, so you don't get confused while practicing or playing. Knowing what the original composer meant and wanted that particular line to sound like will help you become a better player.

Experiment. Use different study techniques until you find some that work for you. Everyone has different ways of learning, whether it's by reading all about the piano and the work that you are trying to learn, or whether it's sitting down and playing it over and over until you get it right and can play it in your sleep, each different piano player will have to experiment to find that perfect study technique for them.

Listen, Learn, and Play

While you are in class, you should always listen to your piano instructor. This means that you should soak in everything you possibly can, from new techniques that you need to master to where the next good piano concert will be and when. By knowing new techniques that you can use, you will find that you'll be able to get these new techniques into your routine and help you on the road to becoming a better piano player. By attending some of the better piano concerts around your area, you will have time to study each different piano player and see how they play, read, study, and much more. When you are able to watch the better piano players, you will become better as well, as you should learn something from each different performance.

Once you have found a few new techniques for studying the piano, you can take them all home and try them out on your instrument. Make sure that you either memorize the techniques or that you write them down before you stop your practice for the day. By memorizing or writing down the new technique that you have learned that day, you are less likely to forget it the next morning.

Mandi Weems is an expert author for the new resource for piano players, Free Piano Sheet Music To view other great articles she has written, visit the Tutorials section at Free Piano Sheet Music.


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Friday, December 27, 2013

All About Pizza

by: Sean Lannin

The term pizza covers a lot of territory. If you want to learn all about pizzas, then you should have a bit of a background on pizzas: specifically the history of pizza, pizza origin, pizza facts, and even pizza trivia such as who invented pizza. The subject also delves into the different types and styles of pizzas. The varieties currently existing defy any attempts at enumeration. Thus, most people who attempt such a task stop at a broad categorization of pizza types according to certain attributes such as crust thickness, crust elasticity, crust baking and cooking procedures, toppings, etc. Aside from general, historical or trivial information, other things are of interest to the pizza lovers. For instance, homemade pizza enthusiasts would like to know certain tips and tricks for making pizza. This includes pizza making techniques, the best pizza crust recipes, pizza toppings, homemade pizza sauce, etc. Some other interesting topics will be frozen pizza dough and where best to attain them, what are the criteria for choosing the, what are the methods for preparing them, etc.

It must be obvious that this article is a mite ambitious for wishing to tackle something entitled "all about pizza." However, an attempt is definitely warranted, so here goes.

Some pizza facts and trivia

Accounts of pizza history always begin with the origin of pizza. This one might as well follow the same tack. We have to thank any civilization or race that baked flat bread on hot stones or stone ovens for pizza, for almost certainly, bread like the focaccia was the "mother of the pizza crust." However, the invention of the pizza is more properly attributed to the Neapolitans - the people of Naples, Italy who were baking and making pizza crust topped with tomatoes, oil, and Italian herbs, and spices. This rudimentary and traditional Italian pizza was common peasant fare in Naples. If you want an individual originator and inventor of pizzas, however, then you won't be wrong if you cite Rafaelle Esposito - a native of Naples; he modified the basic Neapolitan pizza recipe and came up with three variants that added mozzarella cheese to the rudimentary Italian pizza toppings.

Now, if you are looking for some topics for small conversation, then you must remember the following trivia. One note of caution, though; you shouldn't blurt these out just to anybody or you'll sound decidedly corny and geeky. Make sure you're talking to someone interested in pizzas before you use the following trivia as conversational gambits.

" Most people in the United States love pepperoni; the least liked toppings are anchovies.

" Pizza was called (and is still called) tomato pie and pizza pie in certain parts of the States.

" The first pizzeria in the United States was opened in New York.

" The pizza industry is worth more than 30 billion dollars in the United States alone and Americans consume around three billion units of pizza every year.

" New York pizza is traditionally plain. Supposedly, New York pizza is unique because of the acidity and hardness of the water in New York. New Yorkers therefore claim that only in New York can you make real New York Pizza.

(New Yorkers must admit, however, that if water is the unique characteristic of New York pizzas, one who uses water adjusted for hardness and acidity to reflect New York water conditions, adds all the usual New York pizza ingredients and toppings, follows all the procedures strictly but makes the pizza in New Jersey can conceivably make an authentic, New York style pizza. But such an assertion, some would say, is just plain cheek.)

Pizza types and pizza styles

The first step to a great homemade pizza is determining what type of pizza you wish to make. After all, different types of pizza have different attributes and thus call for different types of pizza base, pizza toppings and cooking techniques. Would you like to make an authentic Italian pizza, a New York style pizza, a California style pizza, or a Chicago style pizza?

Italian pizza is generally lean, although when you add cheese, its fat level generally rises in proportion. There are various kinds of Italian pizza, too. There are Neapolitan pizzas, of which there are two general types: the marinara and the Margherita. There are various combinations of these as well. Authentic Italian pizza, moreover, is supposedly baked on wood-fired or even coal-fired, stone ovens.

New York pizza, as abovementioned, is generally plain. The mainstay of New York pizza is mozzarella cheese - fresh mozzarella cheese to be precise. One can add garlic, different types of cheeses, anchovies, shrimp, etc but these are usually optional. The pizza dough recipe for traditional New York pizza, on the other hand, calls for high-gluten flour. The result is firm, usually thin, chewy pizza.

The California style pizza is generally known for gourmet flavors. You can say the California pizza has countless variations. The pizza crust, in this case, is light, crisp and generally well risen. The toppings can be out of this world - generally California pizza makers experiment a lot with all kinds of meat, sea food, breakfast dishes, and vegetable for the toppings.

The Chicago style pizza, on the other hand, is generally crusty and very filling. They are characterized by their raised edges; imagine a pre-baked apple pie crust where you can place the fillings on top. Chicago pizza is usually meaty (some variants come stuffed with cheeses and meat layers) and it is eaten with a knife and fork.

You can also start by deciding on the flavor you want. Do you want to make a cheese pizza, a vegetarian pizza or a fruit pizza? Perhaps you want to make a low fat pizza, a low carb pizza, a healthy pizza? Sourdough pizza is also another variant.

Take your pick among your many options. Once you have decided, choosing the recipe would be much easier. If you have decided on an Italian pizza, for instance, then find your Italian pizza crust recipe, your Italian pizza sauce recipe and the overall Italian pizza recipe that will give you a list of toppings and pizza preparation procedures for making an authentic Italian pizza. For an easier time of it, you can opt to use Italian-style frozen pizza dough then just follow the Italian pizza recipe that you've found.

Some pizza making tips and techniques

Hand tossing will help you minimize the lumps in your pizza dough. However, this should be done only after sufficient pizza dough kneading. This process lets your pizza dough develop into the right kind of consistency - that which is suitable for stretching and hand tossing. Hand tossing, however, is not advisable for thick pizza crust varieties.

If you want a crisp and firm pizza that retains its structure even when the moist toppings are added, you can bake the pizza crust before you add the toppings and the pizza sauce. However, for thin pizza crusts, baking the crust after the toppings and sauce have been added is sufficient. For uniform baking and crisping of the crust, use a pizza stone or a pizza screen.

Finally, remember that the protein content of your flour will influence the end product. High-gluten flour will lead to a crisp but chewy crust. Gluten-free flour, however, may lead to very soft dough; additives may have to be used to give the pizza dough strength.

Quick pizza crust recipes and easy homemade pizza recipes of all kinds and style are easily available online. There are tips for baking and preparing frozen pizza dough, making your own pizza dough, preparing the ingredients for the best pizza crust recipe, etc. All you need to start making your very own pizza recipe is an internet connection, a good source of basic pizza recipe, great pizza equipment, your imagination, and lots of time and resources for experimentation.

Sean Lannin

With more than 10 years experience both working and owning pizza restaurants. When he tried to find information about making pizza at home, he noticed that the information was either non-existent or lacked the information he felt was important. He now shares his passion for making pizza with readers of his website.


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Medical Education in Russia

by: Kristina Bogacheva

Russian Federation is the country that always had very high level of medical education. It was the first country in the world where was opened pediatric faculty (Russian State Medical University), first country in Europe where was opened medico-biological faculty (Russian State Medical University), it is the country where were made a lot of greatest medical discoveries, where were born a lot of greatest scientists.

Nowadays the row of Russian Universities was placed in the ten best Universities of rating of UNESCO. For example Moscow Medical Academy has the 2nd place in pointed rating. It proves that the medical education in Russia always had and has the best quality.

In accordance with national legislation of mature economies countries students that graduated any University registered by WHO have the same rights. No matter where University is. Much more important the personal merits of students. The most part of Russian Medical Universities is registered by WHO.

The cost of medical education in Russia is much less than in Europe and USA. So foreign students can get excellent education at acceptable price.

When foreign students study in Russia they get a chance to learn the treasure culture of this biggest country, to see the world famous places.

There are different agencies who can offer their help with entering medical Universities in Russia. One of well-known is Russian Educational Medical Center which can propose admission letters, invitations, accommodation services and other kind of help. It works with students of all nations and offers undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, nursing courses.

Use your chance! Get the best medical education with competitive price!

Kristina Bogacheva is a worker of REMC. Please visit our web-site: http://www.med-education.ru

Monday, December 23, 2013

3 Essentials Of Marketing With Posters

by: Lynne Saarte

What poster marketing is good at is it helps you reach out to a much larger audience in one of the most inexpensive ways, as well as in the shortest amount of time. Depending on the elements you integrate in your poster printing, your marketing campaign can very well be the most effective one for your business. As each element in your design in your posters, even if it is cheap poster printing, is significant, every one of them needs to have a part in ensuring that you get results the way you expect.

To further help you create a better poster marketing campaign; here are some of the tried-and-tested marketing strategies for your poster printing:

Do your research.

Never allow yourself to be caught unprepared and unqualified to share information not only about your product but more importantly, your target audience. This means knowing full well how to develop your cheap poster printing to focus on who your target clients are. What do they want? How do they feel about the products available in the market? Where do they go when they need solutions to their problems? What issues have not been met yet in the present market? What motivates them? What can you offer your target audience in the way of benefits? Where can you contact them? How can you reach out to them? You need to do your research in order for you to have the right answers to these questions. A well-planned and well-thought of poster design can have more positive impact to its audience.

Know what you want.

You have to be certain of what you expect from your target audience when you send your message their way. Tell them how they can get your benefits. What should they do to be able to get advantage of your offer? A marketing poster concentrated on the business aspect should always be able to convince and encourage its audience to make a purchase by its call-to-action: give you a call, visit a website, contact your sales representative, or visit your shop.

Consider a personal impact that strives for individuality.

As you think about your target clients, also consider that each of your prospect view your poster ad in a certain way. Bear in mind that the impact of your message also depends on the perspective of the person looking at it. Although there may be a group of people viewing it at one time, each individual in that group will have a personal opinion on what you have for your message.

There are still many more approaches you can apply to your own poster printing. But one thing is for sure; great poster marketing will always yield for you a strong return to your investments.

For comments and inquiries about the article visit:
http://www.printplace.com/printing/poster-printing.aspx, http://www.printplace.com/printing/cheap-poster-printing.aspx

Lynne Saarte is a writer that hails from Texas. She has been in the Internet business for some years now, specializing in Internet marketing and other online business strategies.

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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Old Violin Shop: Tips On Buying Your First Violin

by: Daniel Wright

Whether you have been playing the violin since you were young, or want to start taking lessons now, there are a number of things to consider when shopping for a violin online. These things include cost, location of the product, quality, and additional items the violin is being sold with. You should research online for a good old violin shop to find quality violins for sale (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/).

Cost is the first and foremost concern in any purchase you make. This cost can be outstanding when shopping for a musical instrument. A fiddle (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/violins_for_sale.php?q=fiddle&catid=38107&submit=search&advanced=) or violin can cost anywhere from one hundred to a million dollars and the one you choose can be somewhere between these amounts. Buying a cheaply made instrument would not be worth the time and energy involved. A quality violin can be expected to cost around a thousand dollars. You may want to consider learning to play a different instrument if you don't want to spend this much.

In today's world where online technology has made it easy to find an old violin shop (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/) anywhere in the world, there may be some reasons to stick to the traditional shopping near home concept. In purchasing an instrument from an old violin shop found online, there are several risks associated. For example, the instrument can be damaged during shipping and they are very sensitive to weather variations. For this reason, if having an instrument sent from a distance is the method one chooses, it is best to consider insurance on the product.

The quality of the instrument is very important. There is no use in learning to play a bad quality instrument because it will never sound good. It will also be more prone to breaking and slipping out of tune. This is why you need to consider the cost of the instrument when making your decisions.

Often times the fiddle (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/violins_for_sale.php?q=fiddle&catid=38107&submit=search&advanced=) will be sold with a case and a bow. These are extra items that you will want to compare when choosing your violin. Quality cases and bows are also expensive so if the cost of the violin includes these, you could be getting a good deal.

The violin is an intricate instrument. It is very delicate and sensitive to its environment. It is possible to buy a few violins that are good quality but are broken in some way or another and take the pieces to a repair shop and get them mended together.

Dan Wright operates Ye Olde Violin Shoppe, an online version of an old violin shop (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/) that features a huge selection of violins for sale (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/). Whether acoustic or electric, you'll find superb examples of Italian, German, French and other quality made fiddle (http://www.old-violin-shop.com/violins_for_sale.php?q=fiddle&catid=38107&submit=search&advanced=)s for sale with new violins daily. Join our new violin forum...

Saturday, December 21, 2013

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The Twists Of Micronations

by: Wendy Stenberg-Tendys

Micronations are more often than not expressions of political protest, artistic expression, theoretical experimentation, personal entertainment, or the result of criminal activity. Some micronations issue passports, postage stamps, coins and medals and have flags.

The latest list of micronations discloses just how diverse they are, both in location, political and social alliance.

Whangamomona Republic was establised as a tourism booster in 1989, in a rural town in New Zealand. The locals disagreed with the government when it disclosed plans to alter the area's district boundaries. A poodle and a goat and are among the past-elected presidents. Visitors are given a Whangamomona passport.

Formed in Australia in 1978The Aeterna Lucina micronation, with a self-proclaimed baron, Paul Baron Neuman. Several associated businessmen were charged in 1990, with land and visa fraud.

Aromoana was formed in 1980 when a small New Zealand community declared itself independent, as a protest against the building of an aluminum smelter on nearby land.

Atlantium, created in1981, is a global sovereignty group based in Australia. It was founded by George Francis Cruishank.

Austenasia was created in 2008 by Johathan Austen. It has a constitutional monarchy and three privately owned properties, declared independent in South London.

Founded in the 1980s by eccentric self-proclaimed duke, John Charlton Rudge, Avram, is a non-territorial micronation in Tasmania, Australia. Rudge was later elected to the Tasmanian state parliament.

British West Florida founded in 2005, was intended to revive the British colony of the same name.

Barony of Caux, formed 2001, an absolute feudal barony, has approximately 80 subjects worldwide. The baron, John V Corbett, lives in Ontario, Canada.

The Conch Republic, formed in1982, in the Florida Keys, claimed independence from the USA, under the leadership of Dennis Wardlow.

Copeman Empire, founded 2003, is run from a caravan park in Norfolk, England, by Nick Copeman. He calls himself HM King Nicholas 1.

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom, established 2004, of the Coral Sea Islands, is a political protest. It is run by Dale Anderson, based in southeast Queensland, Australia.

A group of school teachers founded Elleore in 1944 as a summer camp on the island of Elleore, Denmark.

Deemed a scam for selling passports and diplomatic papers, EnenKio was formed in 1994. It claims Wake Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

An islet in the Shetland, was declared independent from Scotland in 2008, when Stuart Hill formed Forvik.

Frestonia developed out of a legal dispute in 1977. The argument was over the unauthorized performance by Heathcote Willims, of his play the Immortalist.

Run by Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, Global Country of World Peace, established in 2000, says it is a country without borders, for peace loving people everywhere. Its capital is in Iowa.

Based in Bosnia and Herzegovina and formed in2002, Hajducka Repoblika Mijata Tomica is a protest project. It began with problems over local electricity supplies.

As a publicity stunt Hay-on-Wye in Wales was declared independent in 1977, by Richard Booth.

Known as the Hutt River Province and established in 1970, Hutt River is a large farm in Western Australia.

Kugelmugel, built by artist Edwin Lipburger, is a ball-shaped house located in Vienna Prater, was established in 1984. Lipburger was protesting against building permits.

As the home of sculpturers in north-west Skane Ladonia, was created by Swedish artist Lars Viks in 1980.

Lagoan Isles, founded in 2005, is operated by self-proclaimed Grand Duke Louis Stephans. He claims that the three tiny islands of Portsmouth pond are not the property of the local council.

Denys Tremblay created L'Anse-Saint-Jean in 1997, to promote tourism in a tiny town of Quebec.

Internet-based Kingdom of Lovely was formed in 2004 by Danny Wallace, as part of the BBC TV series How to Start Your Own Country.

Lundy, established in 1925, is an island off the west coast of England, which has had semi-independent status under several warlords.

Melchizedek, established 1986, is known for facilitating large scale banking fraud in many parts of the world. It is run by Richard James McDonald.

Occupying a semi-rural residential acreage in Nevada Molassia was founded by Kevin Baugh in1977. Baugh uses poker chips as money.

Northern Forest Archipelago, established 1998, is environmentally focused. It is located in the northeastern U.S.A. It has several privately-owned properties in the Northern Forest area of New York State.

Nova Roma, established in1998, is an organization of Roman revivalists.

Located in the Czech Republic, the Other World Kingdom, 1996, is an absolute monarchy/matriarchy where women rule over all men.

Pescenica is a 1990's satirical parodical project, ruled by dictator Zeljko Malnar and located in Croatia.

Rainbow Creek, was founded when Tomas Barnes seceded from Victoria, Australia, in 1979, over damage to farmlands caused by flooding.

Located in eastern France, Saugeais, 1947, is an officially recognized micronation.

Also known as HRH Prince Roy, Paddy Roy Bates commandeered Sealand in 1967. It rises up out of the ocean, as a manmade World War II base off the coast of England.

Serboga, formed in 954, claims it has never been part of the modern Italian state.

Talossa was formed as a bedroom kingdom in 1979, in Wisconsin, by Robert Ben Madison.

Uzupis, founded in Lithuania in 1997, has its own currency, president flag and constitution.

For the purposes of a TV documentary, Vikesland was establilshed in Canada in 2005.

Created as a joke, Valtio was formed by Ari Peltonen in 2006. It is situated in Finland.

Wanstonia was established in 1994 by protestors against the M11 motorway link road, in north-east London.

Waveland was founded in 1997 to protest oil drilling in the area. It is located on a rocky islet in the North Atlantic.

Westarctica, established in 1989, says it claims a large chunk of unclaimed land in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica.

Wirtland is an experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability, of a micronation without its own soil. It transcends national borders and was formed in 2008.

Dr Wendy Stenberg-Tendys and her husband are CEO's of YouMe Support Foundation (http://youmesupport.org) provide high school education grants for children who are without hope. You can help in this really great project by taking a few minutes to check out the Sponsor a Student program at Win a Resort (http://winaresort.com). It really will change your life.

Feel free to contact Wendy on admin@youmesupport.org

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Diet Programs And Meals - The Dissociated Diet

by: Levi Reiss

The Dissociated Diet is based on the theory of equilibrium between acids and bases. It works according to the laws of digestion. The main idea is to avoid eating the three major food groups at the same time, as doing so is said to wreak havoc on the digestive system. The three groups are glucides, proteins, and neutral foods. These are some of the principles.

Eat a breakfast that is rich in glucides and in proteins or one rich in fruit. If you eat fruit for breakfast, that's all you'll eat. For lunch have a protein dish, such as meat, ripe cheese, soy products, fish or seafood, berries, citrus fruits, or fruit juice, and eggs. Accompany your choice with vegetables and salad. Or you could select a neutral food such as vegetables, milk, whole milk products, ripened cheese with over 45% butterfat, raw and smoked meat or fish, and vegetable or animal oils such as mayonnaise or butter. For supper eat either a glucide-rich dish or a neutral dish. Eat snacks. The mid-morning snack may come from any of the three groups. The mid-afternoon snack may be rich in glucides or in neutral elements but should not be based on proteins. Drink a lot, about 2.5 liters or quarts. And practice a sport such as bicycling or walking. Start slowly but do it on a regular basis.

An advantage of the Disssociated Diet is the variety and balance of its meals. It relies on good dietary habits. But you must learn how foods are classified when preparing your meals.

Here are two sample menus: Menu 1 Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with ham and mushrooms. A glass of soy milk. Tea or coffee. Lunch: Spaghetti with leeks. Mid-afternoon snack: Carrot drink. Supper: Corn and zucchini stew.

Menu 2 Breakfast: Muesli with oats and apples. 150 grams (5 ounces) of light yogurt. A tablespoon of honey. Tea or coffee. Lunch: A green salad. Potato curry. The mid-afternoon snack is a yogurt and watercress drink. Supper: Bell peppers stuffed with rice.

Some of the information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes more than 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes at present is available only in French. For more information consult the publisher's website.

Levi Reiss has written wrote or co-authored ten computer and Internet books. And yet, he really prefers drinking fine Italian or other wine in moderation, with the right food and friends. He teaches computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Visit his website http://www.wineinyourdiet.com which focuses on wine, weight loss, health, and nutrition issues.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How To Dress Better: Tall & Skinny Men

by: Mark Bryant

This is a basic article on how to carry yourself more confidently for shorter men. Being short will not negatively affect your looks. If you know some fashion rules, a shorter man can be equally or better looking than taller guys. Its all about understanding the the style that fits your body type most.

Choose monochromatic look

Picking a top and pants that are monochromatic will prevent obvious breaks in your natural frame, and as a result can produce the sense of being lengthier than you really are.

Pick vertical stripes

Anything that elongates your height is to your benefit. For instance, vertical stripes in garments can help extend the appearance of your shorter body frame. Patterns such as pinstripe, chalkstripe, and herringbone also achieve the desired look.

Choose square-toed footwear

Pointy-toe shoes is recommended for taller menand your pant leg can cover the majority of your footwear. If you are smaller, however, long and big shoes will make you seem less like a professionaland more sloppy. Square-toe shoes are most suitable for you.

Wear heels on your shoes

Although you should avoid wearing overly oversized shoes, you should buy shoes with a high} heel. Dress boots are a fantastic option for shorter men, and there are a wide variety nice looking models available nowadays that can be matched with everything from casual to formal. To really allow yourself a boost in height, wear your dress boots with a longer pant leg that comes to the floor to cover up the heel.

Beware though; platforms or thick soles aren't always the best way to make short men seem taller. Teeteringis never in style, and a super high heel can make you appear like you're insecure and not relaxed with your smaller body frame. A quick personal recommendation, do check out http://www.italianleathernet.com/italian-leather-shoes.php, they are usually high quality and very stylish.

Big prints are a big no no

On smaller bodies, giant prints will be overbearing. the size of your prints should be proportionate to your body structure; i.e., select tinier prints, like microchecks.

Choose a short rise

The rise in your pants is the displacement between the crotch of your bottoms and the waistband. Shorter men should choose the shortest rise in their pants that they can get away with because a really long rise will make you look like you have a negative butt, as well as make what you've got in front appear not obvious. On the other hand, a short rise will really elongate your legs and avoid making your crotch and bottom area look oversized and spacious.

It's also advisable to avoid any kind of gathering into small wrinklesaround the hips. result of full pockets, or tight and badly designed pants. They will make you appear broader.

Pick a smaller necktie

Small to medium-sized neckties won't overwhelm a smaller body frame. Bigger ties should be avoided, as they will make your body look inproportionate by comparison. If you are very short, you might optto shop for ties that are both slimmer and shorter.

So now you have the know how on how to dress well when you are short, do make use these rulesin your real life. You will realize that by dressing smartly, you will have much more confidence during social encounters. Also, dressing well need not be a chore, just simple adjustments, and you will be ready in no time. Just dress up, pick up your http://www.italianleathernet.com/and go.

The author enjoys fashion and maintains a website about http://www.italianleathernet.com/. If you have interest about style, do visit http://www.italianleathernet.com/.

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Monday, December 16, 2013

Diet Plans And Menus - The Genotype Diet

by: Levi Reiss

The Genotype Diet was created by Peter J. d'Adamo. It centers on the interaction between genes and the environment. According to d'Adamo food may be used to change your genes' behavior. He classifies people into six genotypes: hunters, gatherers, teachers, explorers, warriors, and nomads. The hunter's diet is carnivorous and low in lectins and glutens. The gatherer's diet is low in glucides. It is protein-rich. The teacher's diet is rich in phytonutrients. The explorer's diet is quite varied. The warrior's diet is rich in glucides and phytonutrients, and the nomad's diet is omnivorous but low in lectins and glutens. Here are some of the principles.

The first thing to do is determine your genotype. Doing so requires two fairly easy calculations that depend on the relative size of your bust and your legs, as well as that of your index finger and your ring finger. The rules are too complicated and too long to restate here. After you have determined your genotype access the appropriate lists of recommended foods, foods to avoid, and portion size. As previously, these lists are long. Under the advice of your doctor take supplements. Practice sports, the most appropriate sports depend on your genotype.

An advantage of the Genotype Diet is that it allows all food groups. It relies on good dietary habits over the long run rather than presenting short-term restrictions. One disadvantage is the total lack of scientific evidence to support it. This disadvantage is definitely not unique to the Genotype Diet.

Here are two sample menus:

Menu 1 (Hunter)

Breakfast: Two slices of whole grain bread. Pineapple jam. Pear and mango salad.

Lunch: Endive salad. 150 grams (about 5 ounces) of sardines. Green beans. Pineapple slices.

Supper: 150 grams of sauteed beef and peppers. Sweet potatoes. Cranberries.

Menu 2 (Teacher)

Breakfast: Mushroom omelet. A slice of linseed bread. Pineapple slices.

Lunch: Broccoli soup. An avocado. Pinto beans. Curried quinoa. A nectarine.

Supper: Pumpkin soup. 170 grams of cod. Leek fondue. A slice of linseed bread. 100 grams of muenster cheese.

Some information in this article comes from a fascinating new book, La Bible des Regimes, written by Jenny de Jonquieres and published by Amerik Media. Her book describes over 80 diets and weight reduction programs. Each diet is presented with 5 menu plans, a detailed discussion of its advantages and disadvantages, and lots more. La Bible des Regimes is presently available in French only.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet but he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches various computer classes in an Ontario French-language community college. Check out his wine website http://www.theworldwidewine.com with a weekly column reviewing $10 wines and new sections writing about (theory) and tasting (practice) organic and kosher wines.

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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Space Saving Staircases for Small Homes

by: Tameka T. Norris

The traditional kind of staircase really does take up an inordinate amount of space that, in a small home really isn't available. Most people just put up with what they have, decorate the staircase and find the best use they can for the under-stairs' area. However, if you are in the market for a new staircase, there is quite an extensive range of home space saving staircases on the market. The cheapest on the market - and also the smallest - is the Karina model which combines either a light or a dark beech wood used for the treads with one of three other colors. As well as being the smallest on the market the Karina is narrow enough to be used as a loft ladder replacement or in other spaces that are too narrow for other, more conventional staircases.

As so many of the modern properties being built nowadays are smaller than their earlier counterparts, manufacturers are now making staircases in a range of sizes. Nowadays, you can obtain bespoke architectural solid wooden stairs in both contemporary designs and to fit a range of requirements; you can get traditional staircases, modern sweeping aluminum curves and modular spiral staircases - in fact, the range has probably never been as good. Part of this extensive choice can be attributed to the state-of-the-art technology and software for designing and profiling the new designs and bespoke sizes. One particular manufacturer, from Italy, is Mobirolo who is renowned for their innovative designs of home space saving staircases.

Mobirolo began focusing on staircase manufacture in 1966 and, since then, have manufactured spiral staircases in different materials, attic stairs, open stairways and self assembly kits such as Fusion or Vogue which are both becoming particularly popular. Mobirolo Marketing Divison now distributes the self-assembly home space saving staircases manufactured by Arke such as the very popular Karina or the spiral model called the Kompact. These self-assembly kits conform to the highest European standards and are supplied with a full-length, 25 minute assembly video, printed instructions and parts' lists.

The Space Saving Staircase Company offers other home space saving staircases. These include the very contemporary stripped wood with metal balustrades such as the functional Junior model which is manufactured in a range of diameters, including 600cm, 650cm, 700cm, 750cm, 800cm and 850cm. The Mignon, meanwhile, features an open stair design in shades of stripped wood with minimal open treads. The diameter of this home space saving spiral staircase is between 500cm and 700cm. Another of their designs is the Marinara which also features open stair treads. While the diameter is between 500cm and 800cm, the design is completely unique and provides everything you would expect with elegant Italian styling.

Whether it is staircases from a budget kit that, put together, forms a contemporary spiral from as little as 100cm to as much as 800cm or straight and winding stairs that incorporates conventional with contemporary styling, home space saving staircases are now available to fit the bill. Apart from the timeless elegance of wood, they are now being manufactured in aluminum, glass, or steel - with either open or closed treads. In fact, lack of space no longer precludes a contemporary design being fitted as home space saving staircases have now come into their own.

Learn how to decorate Small Spaces. Also enjoy, furnishing tips, photos of small spaces and projects for the DIYer.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Looking After Classic Cars

by: Stephanie Andrew

To maintain a classic car in tip-top condition so that it looks great and holds its value, the owner has to lavish a lot of care on it. Keeping the engine in good condition is equally important as maintaining the bodywork and the interior. If you settle into a routine and regularly polish the paintwork and interior trim, add to that regular engine checks and make small adjustments to tyre pressure, oil pressure and the timing as required, you can not only keep your classic car in top driving condition but also looking like new and slowing the effects of car depreciation down, perhaps even adding value to your motor over time.

If the owner uses the classic car almost every day, it will be open to the elements and will therefore need extra protection. The summer sun's ultra-violet light attacks paint work; in winter the additional road salt and spray from gritting trucks and regular rain storms rot and corrode the metal work.

In spite of the expense of motoring it's possible, without great expense, to carry out some preventive measures that will keep your classic car in excellent condition. Before you put your car into storage you should make sure that each of a large range of things has been done. Deterioration will occur if a classic car is put into storage without proper preparation.

Whether you own a classic car, classic pickup van or even a used minibus from decades past you must give the vehicle a good detailing before you put it in storage. Total and complete cleanliness is vital. All salt and road grime must be washed from the undercarriage and all the body parts.You must make sure that there is no trace of moisture in or on the car before you wrap it up for winter storage. Any cover that you use should be a high quality soft fibred one, not a cheap one with coarse fibres. If you can, you should store your classic car in a shady and dust free environment.

For short periods of storage your classic car will benefit by the complete draining of the cooling system and refilling with pure antifreeze. The entire system should be drained and the radiator cap removed if you intend storing your car for a long time; this allows air to circulate around the cooling system. In addition to this you should change the brake fluid, oil, and oil filter before storing the vehicle.

During the washing process make sure you look for any scratches or chips in the paint finish. You can prevent metal corrosion by having any spots, chips or scratches touched up with a paint pen prior to putting your car into storage. By using primer first you will ensure that the new paint sticks and that the ultimate level is correct. In order to get the paint that matches your vehicle's colour, you will have to buy it from the manufacturer. If you are looking for a more professional touch, have a look at purchasing SMART for your car, it is a form of additional car insurance which is an absolute must for long term car owners. This acronym stands for Small Accident Repair Technology.


You will also want to do something with the tyres because the rubber will actually perish if they are left inflated with the vehicle's full weight on them. You can either remove the wheels completely or put the car on axle stands and let the air out of the tyres at the same time. This will make the car less likely to be stolen as well as relieving the suspension system.

Car Batteries

Never put a car into storage with the battery connected. After removing the battery and cleaning its terminals you must choose how best to maintain it. For the many older unsealed batteries that leak, cleaning the terminals is best carried out with a bicarbonate of soda and water solution. If you intend storing your car only for a short time, as often happens in severe climates, putting your battery on trickle charge is a good idea. For car owners who either drive very infrequently or have classic cars that can stand unused for many months at a time, flat batteries are a thing these owners know only too well. A dead battery is frustrating; a replacement battery is expensive.

Keeping the Battery Charged Up

The short term solution is to keep the battery topped up with a trickle charger. A trickle charger charges a car battery at approximately the same rate as it is discharging, so if the car you're storing is used once a month for example this is a great option. The trickle charger's disadvantage is that it charges continuously irrespective of the state of charge of the battery. It therefore needs to be connected and disconnected periodically or it will eventually boil your battery and permanently damage it. A float charger is worth considering for a long term solution. No harm will be done to the battery if the float charger is left connected indefinitely. With modern classics a float charger will help the owner ensure that immobilisers or car alarm systems won't run it down while the car sits under covers for months at a time. There is a huge choice of car chargers on the market in both the UK and America so buying the right one won't be difficult. Make sure that the chargingbattery is in a well ventilated position. Constricting the airflow around a car battery is dangerous and could cause a fire!

Final Preparation

You will want to replace all filters with new ones and remove the spark plugs. By removing the spark plugs you help prevent moisture being trapped in the cylinder head potentially causing corrosion. The corrosion is caused by the fact that petrol has a high water content. You will want to grease over all areas, including points, door locks, door boot hinges and the like. At least once a month you should turn the engine over using a spanner. Do this by using the flywheel bolt. This keeps the pistons, valves and tappets moving freely preventing them from seizing in the engine when left standing for long periods of time.

If you use your classic car regularly, you will need to give it concomitant attention. Keep the interior and exterior trim polished which not only keeps it clean but also prevents the polished areas from cracking. All the components of the exterior trim will be damaged by the sun's UV radiation if the trim is not kept clean and polished.

Your classic car should be cleaned only with microfibre or other cloths designed specifically for use on expensive luxury cars. Cotton cloth, because it's made from real cotton, is softer than cheap cloth (normally made from nylon and polyester) which can leave scratches. Microfibre cloth is manufactured with fibres between 100 and 1000 times finer than traditionally made cloths. Microfibre cloth works so well because unlike when using cheaper traditional cloths, with a microfibre cloth you really don't need to use abrasive detergents. Because the mesh is so fine more dust particles can be gathered than is possible with traditional cloth. This reduces the need for the chemicals needed to loosen and remove the same amount of dust as a traditional cleaning cloth would.

You need only a little water with microfibre cloth to loosen the most stubborn dirt particles from the surface. Apply a fine mist of water and a microfibre wipe after a quick gentle wash with a cotton cloth and good quality car wash detergent and you will produce an excellent result. Avoid using an abrasive detergent like dish-washing liquid and use the correct car wash instead. Using dish-washing fluid - and many car owners do - is as bad as using petrol as a cleaner. The paint will start fading and will continue until the pristine shine has been lost forever. Don't allow small cracks, chips or dents to get worse; repair them immediately. This is to reduce the possibility of rust forming. Try not to use cheap poor quality car shampoos, but use instead one of the many high polymer premier products that are available. You almost always get what you pay for in the automotive industry.

Avoid polishing your car in direct sunlight. Wax will be baked onto your paintwork by sunlight and will not therefore help in the cleaning process. Avoid polishing in direct sunlight because you will be left with a streaky unprofessional finish. Use good high quality polish to wax your car. If the paint is oxidized, you will want to remove it first with a high quality polish or rubbing compound designed for this purpose. After rubbing off the oxidized layer of paint by means of the tiny particles in the rubbing compound polish, a fresh bright layer ready for polish will be revealed. Experts know more about rubbing compounds than you do, so seek their advice before you decide which to buy. Your paintwork will be damaged if you use the wrong compound.

Always make sure that your vehicle is protected by a dust cover during the night. To prevent the paintwork being scratched make sure you use a dust cover made from a soft material. The reason for the paint scratching is actually tiny dust particles being rubbed against your car's paintwork, so the softer its material the better. Any bird or bat droppings should be removed as soon as you get back from a trip. You will also want to remove tar, dead bugs, leaves, sap and any other debris on your return. Because tree sap can be very damaging to a car's paintwork, you should park under a roof whenever you can. You can use a quality remover product for this purpose that does not have a high acidic content.

Since rust will develop if any moisture remains you must make sure that the car is thoroughly dried after it's been washed after a journey. Waste no time in getting rid of any petrol spills, mud, and dust. The salt put on roads - especially in Europe - to prevent the formation of ice, causes rust to develop underneath cars. If you have driven in these conditions, you should ensure that you have thoroughly washed the underside of your car. Any moisture in a carpet can cause metal and carpet rot, so if you've been in the car with wet shoes, you must dry all carpets after your journey. You must take immediate action if your car begins to smell damp. After washing, all traces of moisture must be removed from such places as under the bonnet, boot, sills, in corners, and around rubber seals.

Owning a classic car can be a rewarding experience. You have to baby your classic car to keep it in mint condition. You are so proud of this classic car that there will be no limit upon the time you'll spend caring for it.

Visit www.insurance4britain.com to get an insurance quote for your classic car. Sometimes you may be better off with a classic car, as the effects of new car depreciation can be devastating - read more about this by visiting www.cargapinsurance.co.uk

Thursday, December 12, 2013

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Questioning The Truth About Fair Trade Coffee:

by: George Moore

Some Interesting Facts and questions about Fair trade gourmet coffee:

1. The targeted gourmet coffee farmer who needs fair trade owns a farm less than 10 acres; his family runs and works the farm, they live in a third world country or remotely up in the mountains of a central America country like Brazil. They get about $.65 cents per pound without fair trade and make less than $10,000 annually. They desperately need fair trade to get out of their poverty.

2. Without phones, newspapers, television, telephones, cell phones, and in most cases running water and electricity - how does this farmer even know about " Fair Trade" in the first place?

3. With no savings; no banks; no loans; and no finances how does this farmer pay the fees to get certified fair trade?

4. How much advertising does Fair Trade do out side the US? Zero! If they did where and which media would they use?

5. Interesting most of the Fair Trade Coffee Companies in foreign lands are owned by Americans or large co-ops partially owned and funded by Americans.

6. Fair Trade doubles the price of coffee the farmer recieves but does nothing to ensure the laborers who work the farm receive any more money. Hence all the large farms owned by Americans but worked by locals help the Americans get much richer but do nothing for the local coffee workers.

7. Fair Trade does not do anything to ensure the coffee is any better or better quality - it only ensures that the price is higher.

8. Fair Trade is not recognized in China or Russia or Japan or any of the coffee countries.

9. Fair Trade has helped many Americans feel much better about themselves.

10. It has done very little to help the farmers who need it the most.

In summary Fair Trade makes us Americans feel good about ourselves; helps us pay higher prices for poorer coffee; helps the big and rich farmers get richer. It does nothing to help the pheasant farmer we dream it is helping. And it gives us a false marketing ploy that Fair Trade is actually a better quality coffee i=when in fact it only means its a more expensive gourmet coffee. And really it gives us a false sense of self worth and that we are helping poor farmers when we are not.It causes us to pay too much for bad coffee and to think Fair Trade has anything to do with "quality" when it doesn't. It doesn't do anything to help the labor pool who work on the coffee farms nor stop children from working on coffee farms. But it has raised up the price of coffee and our awareness. Only if it could be more truthful and helpful

George Moore

Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee was founded by Boake Moore is an IT Sales engineer by trade.The non profit gourmet coffee called Mission Grounds Gourmet Coffee - http://www.missiongrounds.com It donates all its profits to helping orphans and impoverished children. THE Costa Rica Coffee and the best gourmet coffee in the world -surely the most satisfying cup of coffee in the world.